- The monitoring system will enable RPK to have a more detailed knowledge regarding the production of their machines and implement optimised manufacturing strategies
- With this system, RPK seeks to improve its positioning and attract new international brands
The Alava cooperative RPK which manufactures springs, ribs and copper coils for world-renowned companies such as Mercedes-Benz or BMW, has taken decisive steps towards the digitalisation and optimisation of their production processes thanks to their machines automatic monitoring.
Developed by IK4-IKERLAN technology centre, this solution will allow to centralise and obtain more precise data on the production of the machines installed in its plant in Vitoria-Gasteiz and draw conclusions that will increase the competitiveness of their manufacturing processes.
“As a growth path, at RPK we strive for incorporating technological innovations to our manufacturing processes. The new monitoring platform will allow us to enhance our positioning to attract new international firms,” says Javier Gordo, director of RPK Technology Centre.
Data automatic centralisation
Through the implementation of this high technological value solution, RPK go in depth into the so-called fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0, turning a process so far manual into an automated one.
The monitoring platform allows to automatically and precisely centralise all data collected from each unit control machine, a process previously carried out by individually passing on each record into the central system. As a result of this, distortions between the data entered and the reality often occurred.
The development enables each machine to provide its data to the central system, thus minimizing the margin of error.
Additional data to improve efficiency
The monitoring system developed by IK4-IKERLAN in collaboration with RPK represents a quantitative and qualitative leap over the information available to the company with regard to its production processes.
In addition to accurately centralizing the data per machine, the platform monitors other additional parameters that will allow RPK to make production adjustments in order to work more efficiently.
Acquisition of more data per each machine will also be useful to better understand its status and adopt proactive measures to improve its performance.
IK4-IKERLAN is a leading centre for technology transfer and for providing competitive value to companies due, among other things, to the expertise of its researchers. It offers comprehensive solutions by combining different fields of technology in three main areas: Electronics, information and communication technology (EICT), Energy and power electronics and Advanced manufacturing. In 2017, AENOR, has certified IK4-IKERLAN’s comprehensive management system (UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 and UNE 166002:2014), which is a acknowledging of the excellence of the centre in the R&D&I area. It currently has a staff of approximately 300 people.