IKERLAN set up the Gender Equality Commission with the aim of developing research and reflection initiatives that allow the identification, proposal and promotion of specific projects with regard to equality policies of the centre. The Commission will be represented by the various bodies and groups of the cooperative, responding to the aim of having a comprehensive view of the organisation.
The Commission has established, as a first challenge, the development of the concept of equal opportunities that has been the essence of IKERLAN for many years. By the same token, it will attempt to transmit this essence to society and strengthen the message to new recruits. As a first step in this direction, "from the area of Personnel, we have already implemented gender mainstreaming into all recruiting procedures", confirmed Nerea Burutarán, manager of Personnel and coordinator of the Gender Equality Commission.
With regard to the operational capacity of the Commission, the group will operate through bi-monthly meetings and shall have its own management plan.
In addition to the creation of the Gender Equality Commission, IKERLAN actively participates in GipuzkoaLab, the pilot experimental laboratory of the Etorkizuna Eraikiz programme of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, whose main aim is to convert Gipuzkoa into one if the European territories with the least social, economic, gender and linguistic inequality.