- El centro participa en siete nuevos proyectos europeos relacionados con las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación
- Gracias a su conocimiento de las TIC, IK4-IKERLAN es capaz de dotar a sus productos de inteligencia y nuevas funcionalidades
IK4-IKERLAN is one of the three organisations in Spain to secure the most European funding from Horizon 2020 to conduct research in the field of information and communication technologies. Since the launching last year of this European programme designed to bolster R&D, the Basque R&D centre has received 2.8 million euros enabling it to work on seven projects relating to ICTs.
During a press conference on 11 June and accompanied by the Secretary of State for R&D&i Carmen Vela, the Minister for the Economy and Competitiveness made these data public and explained that the three national organisations that had attracted the most revenue from European funds in this field were Atos, Tecnalia and IK4-IKERLAN.
The projects
The seven projects as a result of which IK4-IKERLAN will be securing nearly three million euros are the following: Gateone, Mantis, Powerbase, Smarter-SI, U-Test, C2Net and CREMA.
Gateone will be putting SMEs in contact with R&D centres so that together they can develop pilot products based on integrated smart systems.
Mantis sets out to design and develop a platform for industrial maintenance services on the cloud.
The Powerbase project will be developing a new generation of chips capable of saving energy for telephones, computers and many other applications.
Smarter-SI is seeking to deploy a European co-operative manufacturing platform for the design, prototyping and manufacture of smart systems.
Methodologies to test cyberphysical systems will be deployed within U-Test.
C2Net is involved in developing computing tools on the cloud to help companies, mainly SMEs, to optimise the management of their supply chains.
CREMA is developing tools to monitor critical components in machines to find out and analyse their state of health.
Intelligence and new functions
Thanks to its capacity in combining various technologies, IK4-IKERLAN is capable of providing its products with intelligence and new functionalities. The centre has significant potential for competitive transformation in the ICT area thanks to its work in fields such as embedded systems, electric and electronic power systems, electrical power storage and thermal management, mechatronic systems, structural dependability, microsystems for industrial environments and smart maintenance systems.
It is this capability that has raised IK4-IKERLAN to a position of honour among the organisations across Spain securing the most European funding to carry out R&D projects in the field of ICTs. The centre is a benchmark when it comes to combining various technological domains for the purpose of developing solutions that are useful in a range of sectors such as services, industry, transport and the field of advanced manufacturing.
As far as the centre is concerned, ICTs are a cornerstone in its research strategy. IK4-IKERLAN has a significant trajectory and critical mass in this field as well as an important network of collaborators. It is aiming to position itself at the cutting edge of the innovations that are going to be made in these technologies over the next decade.
“Institutional support”
“At IK4-IKERLAN we are working to become increasingly more competitive in the European sphere so that we can generate value for companies, and the results of this effort take the form of institutional support. These data are tremendous backing for our research policy as they show that we are becoming consolidated as a benchmark in research relating to ICTs and this is enabling us to develop products equipped with innovative functions,” explained Ana Isabel Martínez, head of the centre's research.
“Our clients benefit from our participation in European projects in two different ways: firstly, we develop in these projects knowledge that we go on to apply to products that we conceive in collaboration with them; secondly, we are a leading partner for companies when it comes to accessing community research funds, irrespective of the size of the company,” she added.
IK4-IKERLAN is a leading centre in technology transfer and in the contribution of competitive value to companies, thanks to its capacity to offer comprehensive solutions by combining various technological domains. This is possible due to its high degree of expertise in six major areas: embedded systems, power electronics, microtechnologies, energy efficiency and storage, structural dependability and advanced manufacturing and the fact that it has a significant network of national and international collaboration that complements its offer so that it can provide its customers with the best solution.