The technological centre Arrasate-Mondragón IK4-IKERLAN and the vizcayan Batz cooperative, expert in the design and manufacturing of dies and automotive systems, are working together towards the development of an electric pedal for vehicles, equipped with sensors that accurately transmit the drivers accelerating demand.
This development is part of the so-called fourth revolution of the automotive industry, an innovative and integral digitalisation process in the manufacturing of automobiles and the design of vehicles based on the implementation of digital technologies.
The increasing digitalisation and automation of vehicles involves replacing mechanic elements with electronic ones. Therefore, if traditionally, the automobile accelerating pedals respond to very simple mechanic logics, currently, where the motor management system is completely electric, the components working on it should be of the same nature.
Within this collaboration, the technological centre IK4-IKERLAN is in charge of designing and implementing non-contact sensor systems, which will inform the position of the pedal around the clock so the vehicles control system can respond accordingly.
High safety standards
The project, for which several prototypes have been developed, faces a double challenge in its conceptualisation. Not only does it have to comply with sector regulations, including demanding environmental, electromagnetic and safety requirements, but it should also be strong enough to absorb the variability of the manufacturing and ageing process of the pedal.
Currently, prototypes developed with different settings and sensor systems are approved through temperature, lifespan, electromagnetic and electric compatibility tests under the most demanding automotive manufacturers requirements. In this sense, IK4-IKERLAN invests on equipment to perform in-house EMC (Electromagnetic compatibility) tests in the automotive sector, with the purpose of improving this line of work.
Sum of synergies
The collaborative project between Batz and IK4-IKERLAN represents a sum of synergies allowing both entities to make a qualitative leap in the automotive sector.
The development will allow Batz to use its own accelerating pedal design and position itself as the second global supplier in the market, capable of delivering complete pedal sets, including mechanic and electric parts, to manufacturers.
This initiative will allow IK4-IKERLAN to increase its training in sensor technology, regulations and tests, as well as the implementation of its high safety knowledge in the automotive sector.
IK4-IKERLAN is a leading centre for technology transfer and for providing competitive value to companies due, among other things, to the expertise of its researchers. It offers comprehensive solutions by combining different fields of technology in three main areas: Electronics, information and communication technology (EICT), Energy and power electronics and Advanced manufacturing. In 2017, AENOR, has certified IK4-IKERLAN’s comprehensive management system (UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 and UNE 166002:2014), which is a acknowledging of the excellence of the centre in the R&D&I area. It currently has a staff of approximately 300 people.